
Showing posts from October, 2020

Best Adulting Anime Series Every Adult Otaku Must Watch

Screenshot Many of us join the weeb bandwagon during the teenage years. But as we grow older, the usual fan service and nakama power get boring. So here's a list of anime that adult fans should watch. Just to be clear, when I say adult anime, I don't mean the hentai, echi, or gory stuff. I mean an adult-centric anime with a focus on dealing with the adult lifestyle, like getting a job, the office life, being unsure of if you've been wasting your life and need to rethink it, that kinda stuff. So most of the shows on this list will be slice of life and seinen shows though you can find other genres as well.  If I miss your favorite shows, it's because it didn't match the list's theme or I just didn't watch it. I'm also excluding movies from the list, might make a separate one for that. I'll keep this list as free of spoilers as possible. ReLife Screenshot This series is a must-watch for every adult who feels like a failure. Although it follows adult