
Showing posts from May, 2017

Ashi’s Time Paradox! Is Samurai Jack’s Story Really Over?

(Screenshot from Samurai Jack Episode CI) Spoiler Alert: This article discusses elements from Samurai Jack’s last episode. Author’s Note: I know Samurai Jack isn’t an Anime but it was inspired by one so it counts. In Episode CI we see Ashi gain control of herself and her new powers which she uses to take Jack back with her in past to kill Aku and undo the terrible future. Next everyone is preparing for their wedding when Ashi faints on her way to the alter and fades from existence because since Aku is dead she couldn’t have been born. But as Jack stood under the cherry blossom tree with a bittersweet smile I couldn’t help but wonder, what does Ashi’s disappearance mean for the series? Ashi disappears because Aku does not exist anymore and thus she can’t be conceived. But if Ashi was never born then who sent Jack back to the past? And so we have a time paradox. Now Ashi didn’t fade immediately after Aku’s defeat but instead at least a few days after. This was of co