A Few Stuff You Can Learn From Anime

Anime, short for Japanese animation, is a genre on its own so much so that calling
Anime cartoon will end up in a long angry debate. Just don't ever call Anime 
cartoon even by mistake.

What makes Anime different from cartoons is that most Anime target teenage 
audiences, some of them are even rated R. Generally the animation is a good blend between realistic and cartoonish(Not cartoon) and despite being a 2-D 
medium it has that 3-D effect. And what's more most mainstream Anime still use 
traditional hand drawn animation.

Anime has a great deal to offer while entertaining the audience, here are a few
things you can learn from Anime.

#Japanese Culture and Tradition

No matter what genre, it doesn't even matter if the show is based in an alternate 
reality Anime will have reference to Japanese tradition.

Despite modernization Japan has held on very tightly to its manners and traditions, 
so much so that the mainstream Anime production houses still use traditional hand 
drawn method rather than flash animation. And so it's not so surprising to see some common Japanese cultural references.

Most Anime have their plot set in Japan like Clannad, Rourini Kenshin, Fate/Stay 
Night, etc. These Anime give the viewers an opportunity to explore the Japanese 
society and landscape. Even if the Anime is based in an alternate reality you are 
still bound to find Japanese touch in it.

Whichever Anime you watch you'll be sure to come across Shinto and Buddhist
themes and tales and even Christianity.

If you're an action/fantasy/supernatural Anime fan you'll surely come across various
martial arts styles like kendo, kenjutsu, karate, jujitsu and many others.

Ninja and Samurai make up the most popular themes in action genre with shows like Naruto, Rourini Kenshin, Gintama, etc. Besides any good show seems incomplete
without someone swinging round a sword, that's just how much Japanese adore the

Food like Ramen, Dango, Rice cake, Sushi and Miso soup are staple diet in Anime.
You also learn greetings like Mosh mosh(Hello), Ohayuo(Good Morning), Arigato
(Thank you), etc and proper application of suffixes like -chan, -kun, -san, -sama and
-dono when addressing a person. And last but not least you learn proper etiquettes like 
removing shoes when entering someone's house, table manners, giving gifts, and 
much more.


Many Otaku claim that they learnt the language just by watching Anime in subbed 
version. Not unbelievable really, hearing someone speak while reading the 
translation does help with vocabulary and pronunciations.

Japanese is quite complex with completely different set of rules from Hindi and 

For people who want to learn Japanese Anime is a good place to learn how to 
speak, unless you have a Japanese neighbour which would be better. If nothing 
else you'll at least learn some Japanese greetings and swear words. But you'd still 
need a textbook if you want to learn how to write it.

#Japanese Mythology

Part of Japan's culture, Japanese traditions are rich with tales of Shinto/Buddhist 
deities, spirits, demons and heroes. As such Anime have loads of raw tool to 
develop stories and in fact use them a lot.

Kyuubi(The nine tailed fox), Yama(Yamraj), Shinigami(Soul Reaper), Yuki onna
(Snow Women) and Asura(a Buddhist demi-deity) are only few of the many many characters from Japanese lore used in many Anime.

#Japanese worldview

It doesn't matter if it's fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, slice of life or comedy, Anime is 
filled with references to the real world though animators generally avoid religious references for obvious reasons.

As such these references more often than not reflect the animator's worldview. 
Anime is a great opportunity to explore the mindset of people brought up in Japan.
Though many Anime seem stereotypical many put in lot of research-work before 
adding references.

#Life values

No matter which Anime, there's always a message behind it. Values like courage, friendship, love, honour are a recurring theme throughout the genre.

What's more the animator preaches these values without sounding preachy. It 
sounds paradoxical but the animator does this by letting you interpret their message through the experiences of the protagonist who is not the perfect role model but has
that one quality that inspires the otaku like Naruto's never give up attitude, Natsu's 
loyalty towards friends and Goku's drive to become a better fighter than before.

Some really good Anime take this a step further by unfolding their message through character development and story-telling like Death Note, Code Geass and many 


Many of us learnt how to draw just by trying to sketch our favourite characters or by watching making of videos or video tutorials. It takes time and practice to get the 
sketches right, unless you have the talent.

Anime drawings are a perfect blend between realism and 2-D animation. The 
characters are not disproportioned but still a few shades shy of realistic. Animators generally emphasize on facial expression, especially the eye and lips.

Some Western cartoons have taken inspiration from Japanese drawing styles like 
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aladdin, Teen Titans and many more.


Despite the absurd amount of fillers, story-telling is one of the strong points of this
genre. A good combination of good dialogues, sound track, animation and plot is 
what makes a good Anime.

There isn’t really any format of rule to story-telling except that the audience should 
be able to connect with the plot and characters. This is where Anime has been 
successful. Anime emphasizes heavily on character’s emotions and development. Generally speaking the animator uses an imperfect character rather than a perfect 
one to connect with the viewers.

Take Yu Yu Hakusho or Beelzebub for example in which the protagonists start out 
as delinquents and end up something much more. Though not many otakus are 
delinquent mid schoolers or high schoolers we connect with Yurameshi and Oga 
because we are able to connect with their emotions and struggles at some level.

I guess I could go on with my rant but in the end you will have to watch Anime 
yourself and experience it for yourself to believe it. So don’t waste time, open a new
tab and search. After subscribing or liking or commenting.


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